The World Upside Down
Hieronymus Bosch’s Century
4.6. — 11.9.2016

Philips Galle: Kopf eines Narren (Detail), um 1560, Kupferstich-Kabinett, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden

The World Upside Down
Hieronymus Bosch’s Century

4.6. — 11.9.2016

To mark the 500 years since the death of Hieronymus Bosch, the Bucerius Kunst Forum is highlighting scenes of hell and the dramatic depictions of sin that characterized Dutch art in the sixteenth century. The show will include around 90 works by artists in the generation following Bosch who took up and refined his pictorial vocabulary, spreading it by way of graphic reproductions.

The World Upside Down: Hieronymus Bosch’s Century illustrates how the reception of his work changed along with cultural and intellectual ideas from the end of the Middle Ages into the seventeenth century.

In cooperation with the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden.


Opening hours
Ticket office open until 20.2.2025

Monday to friday 12:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m.

Ticket info 
Regular: 12 Euro
Reduced: 6 Euro
Tuesdays (except holidays): 6 Euro


More information

More about the exhibition

The World Upside Down
Hieronymus Bosch’s Century

Exhibition Catalog

Editors Franz Wilhelm Kaiser and Michael Philipp
Description 240 Pages
184 Images in Colour
Publishing House Hirmer Verlag,
Price 39,90 Euro
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