BKF Guide

BKF Guide as an App for your smartphone

Just download the BKF Guide for free onto your smartphone to experience the exhibited works in multimedia before, during and after your visit to the show and have access to background information.

  • Free BKF Guide app for your smartphone, available for iOS and Android.
  • Available in German and English
  • Conveniently download to your own smartphone from home or on the road
  • Use your own headphones

— App Store

— Google Play Store

The BKF Guide to borrow at site

Borrow the BKF Guide for 2 Euro at the Bucerius Kunst Forum box office before your visit to the exhibition.

- 1 BKF Guide: 2 Euro

- Available in German and English

Audio Archive

Browse through the exhibitions from the last years!

In addition to exciting background information on the current exhibition, you can now also find our archive of audio tours in the BKF Guide and soon on our YouTube channel.

Would you like to learn more about flowers? Yes? Then our audio guide for kids is just the thing for you! On an exciting tour through the exhibition, you'll discover the world of flowers in a whole new way and gain fascinating insights.

You can download the multimedia guide free of charge. Headphones on and always follow the symbol! If you don't have a smartphone to hand or your parents don't want to give theirs to you, you can borrow a device from the Bucerius Kunst Forum ticket office (free for children and young people under 18).

— App Store — Google Play Store