Painting as Poetry
31.1. — 25.5.2015

Ausstellungsansicht: Miró. Malerei als Poesie, © Successió Miró / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2020

Painting as Poetry

31.1. — 25.5.2015

With his imaginative motifs, Joan Miró (1893–1983) is one of the most popular twentieth century artists. He envisioned a dynamic art that makes its way into life. For him, painting meant creating his own, unique world. Instead of rendering reality, his work was characterized by a new emotional visual language. In February 1920, the 27-year-old Miró left his native city of Barcelona in a quest for inspiration and recognition in Paris. He moved into a studio on rue Blomet which became a gathering place for literary Paris. Miró, who loved to read, was greatly influenced by his friendship with such avant-garde writers as Tristan Tzara, Robert Desnos, Paul Éluard and Michel Leiris. Miró pushed the boundaries of painting and incorporated words to generate associations in many of his painting poems – a term that became the title of many of his works after 1925. 

The exhibition Miró. Painting as Poetry illustrates how Miró’s pictorial symbolism emerges from his playful treatment of words and images. In the same way that he was inspired by literary works, his own works inspired poets, including André Breton, spokesman of Surrealism. Miró and his literary friends worked on many joint projects together. In addition to around 50 paintings from all of his creative periods, the exhibition will show a representative selection from the more than 250 illustrated books that he designed.

Loans come from the Successió Miró, the Fundació Joan Miró in Barcelona, the Fundació Pilar i Joan Miró a Mallorca and museums in Europe and America.

In collaboration with the Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen.

The exhibition is under the joint patronage of Mateo Isern Estela, Mayor of Palma de Mallorca, and State Secretary Wolfgang Schmidt, Commissioner of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg to the European Union.

The exhibition is sponsered by ExxonMobil, Bankhaus Lampe and Lampe Asset Management.


Opening hours
Ticket office open until 20.2.2025

Monday to friday 12:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m.

Ticket info 
Regular: 12 Euro
Reduced: 6 Euro
Tuesdays (except holidays): 6 Euro


More information

More about the exhibition

Painting as Poetry

Exhibition Catalog

Editors Bucerius Kunst Forum
and Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen
Articles by Marion Ackermann, Jolanda Bozzetti, Nicole Hartje-Grave, Valerie Hortolani, Michael Peppiatt, Joan Punyet Miró, Laetitia Rimpau and Ortrud Westheider
Publishing House Hirmer Verlag,

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