Melden Sie sich jetzt für den Infoverteiler für Lehrkräfte an!

Note on events in German language
Accompanying the current exhibition, you can expect diverse and interesting events. In addition to exhibition-related events such as guided tours with the curators, lectures, studio courses for children and our series Introduction to the Exhibition, the programme also includes series of events organised by the ZEIT-Stiftung, such as the literature series Literatur zur Lage. Most of the events are held in German.
Click here for the entire programme (in German).

General information

If you would like to receive regular information on our exhibitions and accompanying education programme, please enter your name, e-mail address, and school in the form below. After submitting the registration form, you will receive a confirmation e-mail. Please note that your registration is not complete until you have clicked on the confirmation link in the e-mail. The newsletter is in German.

By registering and in accordance with data protection regulations (DSGVO), you agree that the Bucerius Kunst Forum may use your e-mail address to communicate informational and educational material regarding our exhibitions. You can revoke your consent informally at any time by telephone, letter, or e-mail.

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Club und Young Member: Backstage - Members First